Thursday, July 13, 2006

No Idea

Well ... here I go ....
Over the past few months I have got into the "blog" thing and enjoy reading other blogs belonging to my friends and others with a common interest.
It has taken me days to try and work out how to get my own blog up and running but i have decided to "jump in at the deep end" and give it a go.
So this is just a practise run for me to see if it works and then I can go full steam ahead and hopefully master the whole thing including photos etc. My trial photo is from a girls weekend away recently at Norah Head. We stayed at the lightkeepers cottage (leased out to the public for holiday accommodation) and this beautiful lighthouse is the view from the side verandah ... make for a lovely atmosphere when it is "champagne o'clock" at sundown !!
Julie x


Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.

Anonymous said...

Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.