Sunday, July 23, 2006


Today we got a new edition to our family ... this lovely little albino budgie is CASPER!

A few weeks ago Blake was devastated to find 3(out of 4) of the budgies in the avery (which he and his dad built last year) were dead. It really broke his heart and many tears were shed. We have a major problem with Myner Birds (not sure if spelt right) in our yard. They are very nasty, cunning creatures and attack in packs. One pack will go to one side of the cage to frighten the budgies to the other side whereby another group is ready to attack through the wire. My DH originally decided to build the avery thinking it would solve the problem after losing quite a few birds in normal little cages. These dreadful creatures even terrorise our poor dog (I'm not sure whether it's cause their tuff or she's a wimp LOL), they take her food, "take over" the back porch area, soil my washing etc etc. grrrrhh !! If anyone out there has any ideas for deterring these unwanted intruders I would love to hear from you!!

Anyway, after the tragedy, Blake spent some of his pocket money and brought 2 baby quaills (very cuuuute)! These have survived nicely; however, 1 poor lonely budgie (Olive) remained. Today we brought a new budgie and it was Blake's wish to get a pure white one; hence our new albino budgie CASPER! Wow do these pet shops know how to make a killing $$ !

So far OLIVE and CASPER seem to be pleased with each other's company and considering they are male and female Blake is hoping for some baby budgies in the near future ... I'll keep you posted.

I can't believe how fast the weeks come around ... back to the usual weekly routine tomorrow!!

Have a good week.



Cherie said...

Hi Julie,

I love your sons new bird Casper, very cute. I hope he has more luck with this one. We have not had much luck with birds either so we stick to fish and dogs.
I have no idea on how to keep the myner birds away. Sorry.

Talk soon


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