Sunday, July 30, 2006


This gorgeous little boy is my nephew
Jacob. He turned 2 this week (26/7) and his party was today at Rathmines Park. He was soooo excited and totally overwhelmed by all the presents, kids etc. Unwrapping his presents was classic ... imagine a little two year old commenting when opening presents with " wooooww" ... so cute !
He is totally crazy abouts cars, trucks, diggers & tools at the moment; so considering his presents consisted of little battery operated tools, a mini ride on digger, 2 huge tonka trucks
and a 'Lightning McQueen (from the
movie Cars) ... that is one excited little boy!

He gave 'pass the parcel' as miss (you have to sit in one spot too long), but had a great time participating in 'pin the tail on the donkey'. Even without a blindfold he was little 'off cue' but thought he was very clever to be like the bigger kids!!

What a huge day for such a little person !!

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