Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The Cake

Finally i got this picture to upload (i don't know whether blogger was "playing up" or the operator was faulty ??1?) here is the wonderful cake creation I was raving about in my last blog about Janelle's birthday.
As i mentioned, the cake was adorned with miniature shoes and matching handbags which were hand made and painted by our very talented and gorgeous friend Karen. Sooooo clever!!
Well now all the party madness is over, I can concentrate on our trip to the snow.
In September, our group of families (all whom have become great friends through our children at school) are off to the snow for 4 days.
We did the group adventure last time and had a wow of a time. Nearly all the kids were first timers and all were skiing by the end of the stay.
It is very much a budget snow holiday ... last year we stayed at one of the lodges at the Department of Sport & Rec complex in Jindabyne which was great for a large group. This year our group has grown a little more so we are staying at the Girl Guides Lodge ... it's just like being back at school camp!!
For anyone wanting to do a family trip to the snow or wanting to organise a group it is a great way to go about it without costing a fortune!! The Department of Sport & Rec have lodges that cater for 2 to 26 people and you can hire all of your gear through them too. Grrrreat Fun!!
We time to get my beauty sleep ... enjoy the rest of your week.


Anonymous said...

Hey Julie I wanted to say thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment :0)

AND WOWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEe just how yummy does that cake look....SENSATIONAL!!!


Cindy said...

WOW love the cake, it is beautiful, you sure know how to host a great party...I will have to let you know when I turn 40!!