Tuesday, August 08, 2006


My how quickly the weeks fly by!!
When i first started doing 'the blog' thing (before i had my own blog) i'd visit blogs and be disappointed if they hadn't updated since the last time i visited ... now i realise how quickly time passess and how quickly our blog entries lapse.

So what have i been doing in the last week ....
  • Went out on Saturday night (ooooh, 2 weeks in a row) for one of my dear friends birthdays. Jo is actually more like a family extension but i won't go into a detailed explanation ... you get my drift. Sometimes our 'catch ups' are months apart but without fail we always have a girls night out for her birthday on the same weekend every year!! I call this my annual drink, cause i rarely go out these days ... too busy scrapbooking!! Had a great time, a good dose of Vodka Cruisers :O)) more karaoke (2 weeks in a row for that too!) ........ and .............. drum roll ............. Jo got Engaged !!! Wow what a big night out!! So "Here's Cheers" to my dear friend ... Happy Birthday & CONGRATULATIONS xx
  • Sunday was pretty non-eventful after a big night out. I don't bounce back quit as quickly these days.
  • Monday our new fridge (yes the lovely BIG fridge) & kitchen appliances were delivered. The 'kitchen man' came and done our final 'measure up' ... my kitchen will be beautifully re-vamped in 3 - 4 weeks ... Yippee!

Well that's about it really ... today (like most other week days) was just the normal work, school & household routine!!

Looking forward to this Sunday - full day scrap (being hosted by Scrappy Chic) at Wangi Workers Club to raise money for Daffodil Day. Great cause to raise money and I say any cause is a good cause to scrap!!

Enjoy the rest of your week.


1 comment:

Cherie said...

Hi Julie

"Times flies when you are having fun"

Love the cake from the last post, it looks so yummy.

Good luck with the re-vamped kitchen, you will have to post photos, I need some ideas for my kitchen as it is in need of a re-vamp.

Talk soon and have heaps of fun at the "scrappy chic" scrapday.

Talk soon

PS how is Casper getting on?