Wednesday, April 18, 2007


The days are flying by ... not enough hours in a day, not enough days in a week etc, etc .... you get my drift !!

However, as time passes quickly ... that means .... only 9 more sleeps 'til KIWISCRAPS .... ONLY 7 MORE WEEKS 'TIL THE SUPRISE HOLIDAY .... only 4 more months 'til we go snowskiing ..... and .... only 8 more months 'til Christmas !!!!

Well, now that I've got that off my chest, what have we been up to for the last week or so ???? .....

We have been enjoying the school hols and i'm loving the no routine thing!

Last Sunday we went to Sydney for the day to the 4WD Camping Caravan Holiday Expo at Rosehill ... was a great day and we picked up some bargain items that we were wanting for our van etc.

I have been indulging in some 'me time' for scrapbooking ....

A trip to Dubbo Zoo last year. What a great place!

Our night out in January to see Walking with Dinosaurs! (yes, the one where i wasn't allowed to take any photos!!)

and .....

very proud of this one .....

my first attempt at a canvas!
Love this photo of the boys (was taken on our big trip last year whilst we were at Broken Hill - you make recognise the stone sculpture which is currently appearing on TV for the Broken Hill tourism ads!!?).
Had lots of fun making this and just love the MME transparencies and gems!!
This will take pride of place in my scrapbooking room and i intend to do a couple of others to go with it!

Have a couple of others that i can't share yet as I am dabbling in a few comps ... you never know your luck!!

Hope you have all had a good week so far.

Talk soon,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lucky you going to Kiwiscraps - I'm sure it will be a blast.

Just love the canvas you have done Julie - looks gorgeous.