Thursday, November 02, 2006


WARNING: Incredibly loooong post!
One of the highlights of our trip was definately the Fairy Penguin Parade at Phillip Island (before I go any further just need to let you know that this photo wasn't taken at the Penguin Parade - will explain later). We pre-booked for the Penguin Parade and were lucky enough to get premium tickets - this meant we sat in a seperate little area alongside the path where approx 70% of these gorgeous little creatures make their way home every night. We learnt that (just like us) after a hard day at work i.e out fishing, they return to the same burrow every night! There were about 500 penguins that waddled past, making their way home ... absolutely, positively adorable! They were soooo close to us that we could have reached out and touched but of course that is definately not allowed. Actually, when we went out to our car at the end of the night, there was one just under a little bush across from the front of our car ... not sure if he/she was lost or still on the journey to its' burrow? My son was just besotted with them and would dearly
love one as a pet ... not quite that simple son! Anyway, getting back to the photo thing ... cameras are banned! This is because obviously being a night time thing there would be a million flashes going off which is really not good for their well being let alone their sensitive little eyes. The fairy penguin centre is very much about educating people regarding their conservation cause the penguin population has diminished somewhat over the years mainly due to human interference. So the next morning we took a drive out to Nobbies Point, this is just a little further from the main cove where the penguins come in. Whilst it is all very beautiful scenery, I think this is about the windiest place I have ever been to in the world ... "blow a dog of a chain" kind of wind!! At Nobbies Point there is a huge boardwalk around the headland and also viewing areas across to Seal Rock (yes, that's because there are seal colonies out there), as well as a huge amount of sea birds that nest in the area ... which of course included the common seagull. I have never seen so many seagulls in one place, there must of been hundreds of them and then multiply that again with the hundreds & hundreds of seagull chicks all nested in the grass areas ... all tiny little brown spotted chicks. I didn't know seagull chicks were brown ... they say you learn something new everyday!
Well .... (talk about going the long way 'round) whilst we were out at Nobbies Point we also seen some fairy penguins which were huddled under one of the little bridge sections on the boardwalk. We were so excited to see little penguins in the day ... right there ... right near us ... sooo, i was able to take some photos cause i didn't need to use a flash and certainly didn't disturb or harass them in any way. Further along we also seen one huddled at the entrance to it's burrow. We were told that because it is coming into their breeding season, quite often, one will stay behind of a day to start getting the nest ready, whilst the other goes out to work! We learnt lots & lots about them but i won't "waffle on" anymore ... i just want to say ... it you haven't been there, it is a wonderful place to visit and i would certainly recommend it for adults and children.

Well as I'm sure you know, Fairy Penguins aren't the only things on Phillip Island ... there is also a race track. We're not really into car racing and the like but we thought we would do the "touristy" thing and go out to the track and have a look.
Well ... they had a "Hot Laps" thing happening where you could do 3 laps around the track in one of their "fang dangle" cars with a professional driver. Not for me thanks ... 110klms on the freeway is my limit! My husband Mark was keen ... so here he is. Blake and i got to spectate up on the viewing deck above the winners straight. These cars fly! They took off near sideways (you can seen burnt rubber smoke behind
the car), but i must admit the sound was incredible the screeching and roaring around the track ... 230klms p/h down the winners straight! Hubby came back adrenalin pumped and thought for a split second he might like to trade his pride and joy 4wd for a commodore !?@#!! but he got over it pretty quickly when i pointed out that he'd be lucky to have his license a week driving something as fast as this!
Anyway, here is the Mark & the pro driver ... smiles all round!

This was the end of the first week of our holiday ... phew ... what a great time ... 3 weeks to go!

Next we visited the Mornington Peninsular ... I just loved this area ... the lovely shops, beautiful beaches and those gorgeous little beach huts!

Will blog again in the next day or so. Cheers for now, JULIE x

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oooh, we loved the fairy penguins too. We were there in March,(years ago) and it was freezing then too.
DH looks pretty chuffed with himself too. LOL... talk about boys and their toys !!! xx