Monday, September 04, 2006

Sad Little 'Steve' Fan

I can't believe today's tragic news, that Steve Irwin has died. My little man (my son, Blake) idolized him and is just devastated (as i'm sure many children are). Blake has literally cried nearly all afternoon and has asked a million questions whereby we have tried so hard to answer and justify why such tragic things happen. It is the weirdest thing, but because Steve Irwin was such a 'large than life character', it makes you feel as though you knew him. We visited Australia Zoo in 2004 ... what a great place and a credit to all that he promoted and believed in regarding animal/nature conservation. As Blake put it this afternoon with tears streaming down his face ... "it just won't be the same"!
Setting aside the public & celebrity status, what a tragedy for his family including his 2 little children who to them I'm sure he was "everything" just cause he was their dad, husband, son etc.
My thoughts are certainly with them.


Cherie said...

I think there will be lots of sad little children who just don't understand why their idol has died, he seemed to be unstopable.

Our thoughts are with his family and friends.

Take care and talk soon

Cherie xx

Cherie said...

HI Julie,

Just letting you know I tagged you, check out my blog for details.

talk soon
