Wednesday, April 16, 2008


GOOD - School holidays have started and even though we have 'hit the ground' running with activities, i soooo looooove school holidays ( i know i keep saying this but it is totally true!!)

GOOD - Blake attended a soccer coaching clinic the last three days (9am to 12pm) with lots of his school/soccer mates and totally loved it.

BAD - Us mums observing for the 3 days nearly 'froze to death' ... but all part of the love for our kids eh!

GOOD - This afternoon we went to the movies with approx 10 Blake's little mates and some of their mums to see 'The Waterhorse'. This was a pretty good show (some parts a little unrealistic but i guess acceptable to create some fantasy in a kids movie) .. certainly enjoyed it all the same and the kids were very impressed!

BAD - Fell down a driveway at work the other day ... i'm quite fine ... just a sore rump and plenty of bark off my elbow :O(

GOOD - Found some time to do some more scrapbooking ... can't share just yet but here's a little sneak peak of my upcoming class kit (over at S'n'B)for a Mother's Day Gift idea ...

GOOD & BAD - Went back to the specialist this week and confirmed details regarding my hand. Surgery should happen early to mid May ... whilst i'm not looking forward to surgery or the recovery, i am so looking forward to my 'day to day' struggle and living on anti-inflammetries to be over. My few weeks of recovery will be a bit of a killer - no activities or scrapbooking [sigh] ...

GOOD - The cooler weather is well and truly upon us ... i love winter ... bring it on!!

GOOD - This week i have spent some lazy time on the net looking at differenct places and activities in America we will be experiencing .... it still feels like we have such a long time to wait but it is very exciting.

VERY BAD - Karen at S'n'B has had a hell time for the last week recovery from the site being maliciously compromised. Apparantly there has been a spait (sp?) of scrapbooking websites hacked in the past week or two. This is like the electronic version of vandalism .... there are some real low-life dispicable people out there.
The site has been down for a week but as of today, is 'up & running' with just a few more small adjustments to be made to the forum. Hang in there chicken ... it'll all be fine :O)

Hope everyone has had a good week.

Chat soon,


Linda Eggleton said...

Sorry to hear that you had a fall Julie...but glad that you're OK. Same with your upcoming surgery...I hope it all goes well & you have a speedy recovery. No scapping!?!?! that's going to be tough.

Poor Karen...I have been thinking of her all week...she must have been stressed to the max! What a horrible, low thing for someone to do! Is there any way she can find out who it was? Can't wait for the forum to be back up and running....I've really missed it!

Enjoy the rest of your holidays Julie....we all know how much you love them! LOL

Julie said...

Thanks for popping by Linda.
Apparantly sometimes they can trace it but not always ... these sneaky people put in codes to make the site keep bouncing off other sites etc. (apparantly some other scrapsites when opened diverted to porn etc) Karen's site kept bouncing around within itself (so to speak) which meant that it completely froze up which in turn froze up the person's computer trying to visit the site (but no damage just a nuisance) :O(
Poor Karen ... it has been a loooong stressful week (Particularly when the 2 main companies that run & host the site kept blaming each other but no-one was fixing it !@#!!? )
Really looking forward to the Forum being restored ... this week has made me realise just how much our chitting & chatting is part of my weekly routine and i'm really missing it too!!

Jane said...

ouch Julie, hope you're OK. And OMG what will you do if you can't scrap!!! and I hope you have a really quick recovery.

Your trip to the US is coming around quickly :) you are soooo lucky.