Sunday, November 18, 2007


WARNING: This is a huge post ... you might want to bring a packed lunch!

Wow ... 3 weeks since my last entry. 3 weeks of 'jamb packed, flat out, busy busy' !!

* My new office is finished and looks fantastic but the move was rather chaotic (that's a nice way of putting it!). The new phone system had a glich and caused a bit of stress; but the main computer system crashed and caused major stress !#*@?!!
Ok, two weeks later a lot of $$ (and many deep breaths inbetween) ... the phones are sorted and a new computer system is now installed ... all is good! Here are a few pics of building the new office and a pic of the finished reception area.

* A few weeks ago we took Blake and 2 of his little mates to Darling Harbour for the day and went to Wildlife World and the Aquarium [Rewind: we have a little family tradition that on the last day of every school holidays we always have a special family day out where we do lunch & some sort of activity which Blake gets to choose ... because our every waking hour was consumed with fitting out my office, we didn't get to do our little tradition on the last day of the Oct school holidays :O( Blake was disappointed but understood. So, we organised the day in Sydney whereby he could bring a few friends along and this was also a bit of a reward for him given how co-operative he had been over the weeks of 'living at the office'.
So, the plan was to drive to Pymble, then catch the train to Circ Quay, then a ferry over to Darling Harbour; but, they were doing trackwork and the trains weren't operating, so we drove to Circ Quay and then caught the ferry across to Darling Harbour. I love a day visit to Darling Harbour ... such a bright, happening place! We spent the morning at Wildlife World, which i must say was a lot better than expected. I expected that this would be no different to any other animal attraction; however, there were a few different features that made it very interesting. In particular, the butterfly enclosure is gorgeous!! A huge net enclosed area that you can spend time in with hundreds of different species & coloured butterfly fluttering around. They land on your hands, hair etc and it is a beautiful experience. Even 3 little boys were quite taken in by it all!!
We spent the afternoon at the Aquarium ... have been here many times before but it is always enjoyable to walk through. Beautiful colours, walking through the tunnel with sharks, stingrays etc swimming over the top ....

* Last weekend was KIWISCRAPS. i think i was looking forward to just 'chillin out' for the weekend more than the scrapbooking! However, the scrapbooking projects were fantastic, the tutors were great and particularly enjoyed the digi scrapbooking class i done with Renae Pearson - this was a real 'outside the square' for me. In conclusion, i am definately a paper & paste kinda gal, but will be inclined to use digi from time to time and particularly for enhancing photos.
The giveaways were very generous ... came home with lots of bits & pieces. Sorry, haven't taken any photos of any KiwiScraps this time - as i said, was too much in desperate need of 'chill time'.
Had a great weekend, got to meet up with friends and met forum friends IRL for the first time ... Hi to Kellie & Manon :O)
Sunday (after a sleep-in & big buffet brekkie [yum], Karen and i set off to IKEA ... OMG, this is the first time i had been to IKEA ... i love that place. We had a huge shopping spree, the car (a large 4WD dual cab) was packed to the max on the way home ... we looked like we were moving house he he !

* This week has been a 'slowly getting back on track' week and feeling like routines are returning to normal (although sometimes i wonder what normal is these days! LOL!)

* Yesterday, we went to a 'Baby Naming Ceremony' and the parents sprung a surprise wedding on everyone as well! Congrats & hugs to Anne, Shannon & beautiful baby Jorgee!! We had a lovely afternoon catching up with family that we don't see as often as we should ... just 'cause everyone's so busy (mmm ... there's that word again)!

Off now to catch up on some more of my poor neglected housework ...

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!



Leeanne O'C said...

Wow Julie, I'm exhausted just reading what you've been up to. Sounds like a lot of fun.

I have to say I'm a bit jealous that you went to Kiwiscraps, I so wanted to go but two in the one year was a stretch. Will definetley be going to next years though. Hopefully we can catch up IRL then.

Cheers for now
Leeanne x

Megan said...

Hi Julie,

Well it certainly has been busy at your place! Good to see you have your office problems ironed out...that must have been very frustrating.

And the photos from Sydney look great too. We have been talking for ages about going down to the aquarium and other spots...must make it happen soon!

Megan xx